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Fitness eating plan,the best to apply

As I said recently, I was addicted to junk food in my fitness eating plan not too distant past, alarming and the ball around the waist. I was addicted to burgers and sodas and chips and pizza and candy and all the fitness eating plan fast food you can imagine and fitness food program especially chocolate.

Today, although I can not say that I only like fitness food program wheat germ and fitness eating plan vegetables picked from my garden at home, usually eat healthier than I have ever done in my life.

How do I get from point A (junk food addict) to fitness food program fitness eating plan point B (much healthier diet)? I'll tell you my secret (not a secret that if you're one of the many people who have discovered this fact) I will not go from point A to point B. It's more like A to Z, with fitness eating plan many points in between.

In fact, this is the secret to a significant improvement in my fitness eating plan experience, but let's talk about healthy eating, for fitness food program now.

Today, I am a vegetarian (mostly vegan) and try to eat lots of fitness eating plan fruits and vegetables and whole grains and nuts and legumes. I'll admit that I have yet fitness food program burgers, veggie burgers but they fitness eating plan is rather fat hamburgers with meat, and usually have with whole grain bread or buns and lots of fresh vegetables in them.Fitness eating plan And fitness food program do not use may more fat, but Vegan, which helps.

Also like pizza, but not covered in sausage or pepperoni, but vegetables. I always eat burritos, but I try to fill them with low-fat beans, vegetables, salsa instead of fitness eating plan fatty material. I really like the soy yogurt and fresh fruit, whole grain cereal with soy milk, oatmeal with berries and nuts fitness food program. Hmmm.

What I mean is that I do not deprive myself, but fitness food program have learned to love foods that fitness eating plan are at least a little bit healthier, and fitness food program in some cases much healthier. Also, do not miss meat at all, but the secret to it is fitness eating plan the small steps that we will discuss in this article.

The problem with most diet plans
New fad diets in books and magazines and the fitness eating plan Internet are a dime a dozen. Some of them are actually pretty decent, but most of fitness food program them have a defect that makes it very difficult for someone to stick to it.

Failure? They try to make you change your diet at a time.

Just does not work for most people. I have tried many fitness eating plan diets, and during the first week, I'm very enthusiastic and determined. But such a radical change in fitness food program diet is difficult to maintain, and soon yielded to temptation and fitness eating plan then falls apart. We've all been there.

The power of small changes
The title of this post is misleading, and I have to admit fitness eating plan. Most people associate a "12 step program" with Alcoholics Anonymous or a similar program, but this post is not about these fitness food program at all.

It's about making changes in your fitness eating plan diet one small step at a time. Baby steps. The miracle of it is that we adapt to these small changes in fitness food program a couple of weeks until they appear normal and did not feel as if we refuse anything.

Take the meat, for example. Say you want to be a vegetarian, and cut all meat from your fitness eating plan diet completely. It feels very private, and fitness eating plan may have a very difficult time. Most people would not last long - maybe a week or two at most - before collapsing and eat meat and fitness food program feel guilty.

But say you just started with beef. Well, at dinner tonight, probably will not notice much, or you could have chicken or fish or turkey or pork - all you can eat normally. After a few weeks of not eating meat fitness eating plan seems normal, and it probably will not lose much.

Repeat this process for pork, and soon cut red meat from your fitness eating plan diet (assuming you do not eat much game or buffalo or otter or whatever). Then do the chicken - it could be a difficult step for many - and to eat seafood for a while. After a few weeks of this fitness food program, however, you get used to it. The next step is to lower the seafood, and fitness eating plan soon you are a vegetarian who does not miss meat.

I'm not saying you should become a vegetarian. I say small steps a couple of weeks at a time, making the fitness eating plan process much easier. I did it with meat with fitness food program fried foods, sweets, eat more fruits and whole grains, and many other changes in diet, and it worked all the time.

You get used to it, if you do a little at a time.

The 12 Steps
In fact, the following is just one example. Use as many steps as you want, make the fitness eating plan desired changes. This is just one example of what can be done to give you some fitness food program ideas.

The rules:

Apply these changes, one at a time, until you get used to them. It will probably be 3-4 weeks by step. But fitness eating plan within a year, you will eat as healthy as possible.

Focus as much energy as possible at each change of at least a couple of fitness eating plan weeks. If you can not deviate. Do not worry, you get used to.

If this seems too difficult, make a small step in fitness eating plan place. For example, instead of cutting the candy, just cut the cakes and donuts. Smaller dimensions make things much easier.

Always replace the bad food with healthy foods you enjoy. What I've given you some examples - everyone has different tastes.
OK, so here's an example of how this process might work step by step:

Eat fruits for snacks. If junk food snack during the day, eat fruit at his fitness eating plan side at all times. When you're hungry for a snack, eat a fruit. One of these small bags of apples is a very practical thing - you can not go wrong with apples.

Drink water instead of sodium hydroxide. The only thing I drink (besides the occasional beer) is water. I'm not saying you have to do, but fitness eating plan try to reduce sugary drinks a little at a time, replacing it with water.

Eat bread. If you eat white rolls or bread or something, and fitness eating plan replace them with whole grain versions. Make sure you look at the ingredients - do not tell enriched wheat flour, but whole grain. Also try to avoid breads with corn syrup high fructose (in fact, to avoid this ingredient in anything).

Add fresh vegetables for dinner. If you do not already have some fitness food program steamed vegetables with fitness eating plan dinner. Cut a less healthy dish if you normally eat more.

Cut red meat. You can still eat chicken and fish for now. Then you can cut if you will.

Making pizza instead of ordering. Homemade pizza is the best, and if you have not, you should. The simplest method is to get a ready-made whole wheat crust, so your fitness eating plan own tastes even better. Start with the simple version, however, you do not want to make things difficult. For the simple version, just add a little gourmet spaghetti (not Rag) sauce, chopped vegetables (such as tomatoes and mushrooms and spinach and olives, but you can use anything, including ground apples). Brush the fitness eating plan vegetables with a little olive oil. You can add grated cheese or soy cheese if you want, but this is not necessary. Bake until it looks cooked. Hmmm.

Nuts instead of chips. If you normally have a snack of chips, try unsalted peanuts or raw almonds.
Soy milk instead of whole milk. Whole milk is fat (not to mention the suffering made by cows in modern dairy plants). Soy milk is much healthier. You get used to it after a while, like all changes in this list, but if soy milk is a problem, at fitness eating plan least 1% milk drink.

Whole grains. If you eat sugary cereals, try a whole grain cereal instead.

Instead of sweet berries. This is a recent change in mine, and it was actually much easier than I thought. I used chocolate candy snack all the time, but now I try to eat berries to satisfy my fitness eating plan cravings for sweets and it works!

Scrambled tofu instead of fried eggs. Scrambled tofu is wonderful secret vegan. Try this recipe.

Try a vegetarian dinners. There are so many good ones out there if you do not try. Try the fitness eating plan soup or chili.

If you implement 12 changes, is likely to eat healthier than I've done before. A big advantage is that once you've done that, is likely to continue, 20 steps and beyond.

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